Szkolenie z OS Diagnostic Workshop for Language Environment Applications

This course is a diagnostic workshop designed to enhance your z/OS Language Environment application debugging skills. The workshop will present a detailed walkthrough of a CEEDUMP highlighting the different z/OS Language Environment control blocks relevant to application programmers. This course will also teach techniques to effectively debug application problems using LEDATA under IPCS. An IPCS refresher will be presented, including logic flow and register usage. In addition, storage management concepts will be covered with an emphasis on diagnosing heap overlays and locating parameters depending on the type of linkage used. The course will utilize detailed exercises and hands-on labs to illustrate many of the concepts that will be used. Although the workshop was developed with a focus on application written in the C and C++ programming language, the skills gained are useful for debugging applications written in any of the languages supported by Language Environment.

Profil uczestnika

This intermediate-level class is intended for technical individuals who support applications running in the z/OS Language Environment platform.


  • Review Language Environment concepts necessary for diagnosing problems                                                                                                      
  • Use Language Environment runtime options to gather the right set of documentation to diagnose problems                                                         
  • Diagnose application problems in a Language Environment platform using LEDATA                                                                                              
  • Learn tips to diagnose storage overlays and memory leaks caused by application problems

Wymagane przygotowanie uczestników

Basic familiarity with z/OS Language Environment, Unix system Services, MVS concepts and IPCS. 


  • After completing this course, the student will be able to identify:                  
  • Effectively collect and debug problem documentation                              
  • Capture the right set of documentation by exploiting the available Language Environment runtime options                                                        
  • Analyze and diagnose application problems using LEDATA                    
  • Interpret and dissect dumps effectively, including CEEDUMPs and SYSMDUMPs                                                                                                 
  • Understand condition management, heaps, stacks, AMODE64, and PIPI

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