Szkolenie System Operator for IBM i

This course enables a new system operator to develop basic to intermediate level skills needed for day-to-day operations of the Power System with IBM i. Specifically, the course explains how to:

  • Use the online help and references
  • Send, display, and reply to messages
  • Monitor and control jobs, devices, and job and output queues
  • Start and stop the system
  • Create and change user profiles
  • Use authorization lists and group profiles
  • Manage system configuration
  • Save and restore objects, libraries, and the system
  • Monitor job and history logs
  • Diagnose a system problem
  • Order, receive, and apply PTFs
  • Perform all of these functions using a 5250 emulation session as well as IBM i Access Client Solutions and IBM Navigator for i

Hands-on exercises reinforce the lecture topics and prepare the student to successfully operate a Power System with IBM i.

Profil uczestnika

This course is intended for System Administrators and Software Developers, especially those in a Developer Operations (DevOps) role.


Day 1

Unit 1: Power Systems and IBM i concepts and overview

Unit 2: Reference material and support

Unit 3: Overview of 5250 emulation and help

     Exercise 1: Using the keyboard and system displays

Unit 4: Overview of IBM i Access Client Solutions

     Exercise 2: Overview of IBM i Client Solutions

Unit 5: Overview of IBM Navigator for i

     Exercise 3: Overview of IBM Navigator for i

Unit 6: Messaging concepts

Unit 7: Messaging with 5250 emulation

     Exercise 4: Messages with 5250 emulation

Unit 8: Messaging with IBM Navigator for i

     Exercise 5: Messages with IBM Navigator for i

Unit 9: CL command concepts

Unit 10: CL commands with 5250 emulation

Day 2

Unit 11: Concepts: Object, library, and the IFS

Unit 12: Object management with 5250 emulation

     Exercise 6: Object management with 5250 emulation

Unit 13: Object management with IBM Navigator for i

     Exercise 7: Object management with IBM Navigator for i

Unit 14: Introduction to work management

Unit 15: Work management with 5250 emulation

     Optional Exercise 8: Work management with 5250 emulation

     Optional Exercise 9: Work management with IBM Navigator for i

Unit 16: Job control with 5250 emulation

     Exercise 10: Job control with 5250 emulation

Unit 17: Job control with IBM Navigator for i

     Exercise 11: Job control with IBM Navigator for i

Unit 18: Print concepts

Unit 19: Print control with 5250 emulation

     Exercise 12: Print control with 5250 emulation

Day 3

Unit 20: IBM i Access Client Solutions Printer Output

     Exercise 13: Print with IBM i Access Client Solutions

Unit 21: Print control with IBM Navigator for i

     Exercise 14: Print control with IBM Navigator for i

Unit 22: Starting and stopping the system

     Exercise 15: System values with 5250 emulation

     Exercise 16: System values with IBM Navigator for i

Unit 23: System security concepts

Unit 24: System security with 5250 emulation

     Exercise 17: System security with 5250 emulation

Unit 25: System security with IBM Navigator for i

     Exercise 18: System security with IBM Navigator for i

Unit 26: System configuration overview

Unit 27: Configuration with 5250 emulation

     Exercise 19: Managing your system configuration

Unit 28: Configuration with IBM Navigator for i

Day 4

Unit 29: Save concepts

Unit 30: Save with 5250 emulation

     Exercise 20: Save with 5250 emulation

Unit 31: Save with IBM Navigator for i

Unit 32: Restore concepts and overview

     Exercise 21: Restore with 5250 emulation

Unit 33: Problem determination with 5250 emulation

     Exercise 22: Problem determination

Unit 34: Overview of the PTF process

Unit 35: PTFs with 5250 Emulation

Unit 36: Class summary


  • Send, display, and respond to messages
  • Use the online help and reference materials
  • Monitor and control job queues, active jobs, and output queues
  • Create and change user profiles
  • Use authorization lists and group profiles
  • Start and stop Power Systems with IBM i
  • Manage system devices, user display stations, and printers
  • Save and restore objects and libraries
  • Monitor job and history logs
  • Diagnose a system problem
  • Order, receive, and install PTFs

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