Szkolenie Jazz for Service Management 1.1 Dashboarding Made Simple
This workshop teaches how to design, develop, and deploy business dashboards. You develop business dashboard requirements, designing prototype dashboards, tools, and techniques for mining data. The data sources include IBM applications, such as Netcool Operations Insight, IBM Tivoli Monitoring, IBM Tivoli Business Services Manager, Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager, and Netcool Network Management. You also learn techniques to mine business data from non-IBM sources, such as databases, Internet feeds, and legacy application consoles. You learn how to use IBM Netcool/Impact, and Tivoli Directory Integrator to create DASH data providers that extract and enhance data from back-end data sources. You also learn how to federate and include supported application consoles, such as Smart Cloud Application Performance Management user interface.
Profil uczestnika
Individuals who need to understand how to design, develop, and deploy business dashboards using Jazz for Service Management.
Dashboard design fundamentals
- Dashboard design overview
- Visualization services architecture and strategy
- Creating dashboard pages
- Local web content and dashboard server customizations
- Visualization services strategy
Tivoli Directory Integrator and DASH basics
Tivoli Directory Integrator and DASH advanced topics
DASH and Impact basics
Using the Jazz for Service Management web widget with business dashboards
Integrating Netcool/OMNIbus with DASH
Integrating IBM Monitoring and DASH
Integrating with IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager and DASH
Integrating Networks for Operations Insight and DASH
Workshop summary
Wymagane przygotowanie uczestników
Before taking this course, you should have the following skills:
- Basic understanding of the Jazz for Service Management dashboard server tools
- Basic understanding of database design and operation, including concepts such as tables, views, and schemas
- Basic understanding of Internet design and terminologies, including HTTP, JSP, URI, URL, and REST
- Define and develop dashboard design documentation
- Use Tivoli Directory Integrator to extract and transform back-end data and present the data to DASH widgets through custom UI data providers
- Use advanced Tivoli Directory Integrator data mining techniques to enhance the custom UI data provider function, including generating status data, parameter data, and right-click task menus
- Use Netcool/Impact to create custom data providers with database data sources
- Use web widgets to add custom web-based data to dashboards, and use widget debugging tools to troubleshoot dashboard design problems
- Integrate Netcool/OMNIbus event data with DASH dashboard widgets
- Integrate IBM Monitoring agent data with DASH dashboard widgets
- Integrate IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager service model data with DASH dashboard widgets
- Explain the dashboard integration points for Networks for Operations Insight
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