Szkolenie IBM WebSphere Commerce V8 Programming Essentials
This 5-day ILT course is designed to help students understand Programming Essentials for IBM WebSphere Commerce Version 8. Students build on the skills that were developed in course IBM WebSphere Commerce V7 Foundation .
In-depth lectures cover the skills and knowledge students need to customize an IBM WebSphere Commerce Version 8 site. Lecture topics include an introduction to the integrated development environment for WebSphere Commerce, which is built upon Rational Application Developer V9.5. From that starting point, students develop and configure storefronts. In addition, students learn how to build custom business logic and handing data through the command framework, business object document (BOD) processing framework, and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs).
Students are also introduced to many of the new features that are provided in WebSphere Commerce V8. The features include: how to develop for the presentation layer, business logic layer, data service layer, and persistence layer of WebSphere Commerce using Spring, Struts framework with related concepts like responsive web design. To complete the experience, students learn the basics of integrating WebSphere Commerce with other systems in a service-oriented architecture (SOA) and Web services.
Hands-on lab exercises are provided throughout the course to reinforce lecture content. They let students gain practical experience by designing and implementing customized WebSphere Commerce solutions. Students practice their newly developed WebSphere Commerce skills by performing tasks. For example, creating new views and commands, extending WebSphere Commerce capabilities by building custom projects in the persistence layer, using REST services and deploying Web services.
Profil uczestnika
This course is designed for Java or Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) developers who have experience in JavaScript, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Extensible Markup Language (XML), and SQL. Students must also be familiar with the IBM WebSphere Commerce V7 solution architecture and programming environment, as detailed in course IBM WebSphere Commerce V7 Foundation.
- Unit 1. WebSphere Commerce architecture
- Unit 2. WebSphere Commerce Data model and schema
- Unit 3. WebSphere Commerce Developer toolkit
- Unit 4. WebSphere Commerce Presentation layer
- Exercise 1. Customizing StoreFront Pages
- Unit 5. WebSphere Commerce Business logic layer
- Exercise 2. Customizing Store Business Logic
- Unit 6. WebSphere Commerce Persistence layer
- Exercise 3. Creating a new WC EJB
- Unit 7. WebSphere Commerce Data Service layer
- Exercise 4. Extending an SOI service with UserData
- Unit 8. Web Services, Messaging and Implementing Services
- Exercise 5. Creating and customizing REST services
- Unit 9. WebSphere Commerce Build Deployment (WCBD)
- Exercise 6. Build and Deployment using the WebSphere Commerce Build Deployment tool (WCBD)
- Unit 10. Course summary
Wymagane przygotowanie uczestników
- Java or Java EE application development skills
- JSP development and deployment skills
- Java servlet development and deployment skills
- JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) skills
- Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) skills
- SQL skills
- Extensible Markup Language (XML) skills
- Knowledge of Rational Application Developer V9.5
- A thorough knowledge of IBM WebSphere Commerce V7 architecture, business models, data models, tools, and functionality as provided in course IBM WebSphere Commerce V7 Foundation
- Describe WebSphere Commerce architecture and programming model concepts
- Describe the WebSphere Commerce Database schema, store models and business model
- Implement the processes that are required to customize WebSphere Commerce V8 using a development environment that is based upon Rational Application Developer V9.5
- Customise store front Java Server Page (JSP) pages
- Customize store business logic through the creation of controller commands and task commands
- Extend the persistence layer by creating new Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) to co-operate with the WebSphere Commerce subsystems
- Customize store business logic through the creation of controller commands and task commands
- Describe common subsystem commands and data beans
- Manipulate data handling through the WebSphere Commerce V8 data service layer
- Implement Web services using WebSphere Commerce V8
- Implement WebSphere Commerce REST services
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