Szkolenie IBM Spectrum Scale Advanced Administration for Linux
Learn advanced admiration skills for IBM Spectrum Scale systems.
Gain skills for installing, configuring, and monitoring a Spectrum Scale cluster.
Who Should Attend?
System administrators
What You’ll Learn
- Migrating to IBM Spectrum Scale 4.2
- Spectrum Scale 4.2 GUI
- Multi-clusters
- Clustered NFS
- Cluster Export Services for multi-protocol support
- SMB Protocol Support
- NFS Support in CES; Ganesha overview/performance
- Active File Management
- AFM-Based Disaster Recovery (DR) and Asynchronous DR
- Planning LTFS and GPFS environment for data archiving
- File Placement Optimizer
- IBM GPFS-FPO and integration with GPFS Hadoop connector
- IBM Spectrum Scale Call Home
- Monitoring and performance tuning
- Flash Cache metadata migration
Course Outline
- Migrate a GPFS 3.5 cluster to IBM Spectrum Scale 4.2
- Migrate an IBM Spectrum Scale 4.1 cluster to 4.2
- Describe and set up GUI interface
- Execute performance collection infrastructure
- Describe the IBM Spectrum Scale multi-cluster functionality, how to remote mount file systems and the security configuration in a multi-cluster environment
- Describe, install, and configure Clustered Network File System (cNFS)
- Define, deploy, debug, and log Cluster Export Service (CES)
- Describe multi-protocol support
- Describe the Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol family and clients; solve and monitor SMB recovery scenarios; troubleshoot SMB
- Manage Ganesha default configuration change/list
- Manage exports in CES Network File System (NFS) and debug CES NFS
- Describe home and cache features
- List the various Active File Management (AFM) modes; create and manage an AFM relationship
- Define and introduce asynchronous disaster recovery (DR)
- List the recovery point objectives (RPOs) and failover options
- Describe the Spectrum Scale Disaster Recovery Architecture
- Describe the Linear Tape File System (LTFS) Enterprise Edition (EE) Introduction
- Describe the GPFS policy-driven storage management
- Describe the HSM archival solution with LTFS EE
- Define how to create a file placement optimization (FPO) pool
- Describe using Spectrum Scale with Hadoop
- Identity the scenarios in which GPFS-FPO is applicable
- Define Share Nothing Architecture
- Describe the design and architecture of the Call Home feature and describe its functionality
- List the usage/advanced usage of the Call Home feature
- Describe GPFS Performance parameters and GPFS tuning considerations
- Monitor a GPFS cluster
- Describe flash cache capabilities
- Move metadata to flash cache
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