Szkolenie IBM Platform Process Manager

This course teached IBM Platform process Manager version 9.1.2.
The course addresses to new Process Manager users who want to familiarize themselves with the fundamentals of Process Manager for creating, editing, submitting and managing flows. It provides an overview of Process Manager concepts, how to use the Process Manager graphical interfaces to define,
schedule, submit, monitor and control your work flows.

Profil uczestnika

This basic course assumes that you are familiar with the requirements of the work flows you are defining. You need to know the names of the executables, where they are located, what resources are required by them, and any dependencies they may have.


  • PPM overview;
  • PPM components;
  • PPM installation;
  • PPM work flows;
  • PPM features;
  • PPM debugging and troubleshooting

Wymagane przygotowanie uczestników

You must be very familiar with IBM Platform LSF and have a good knowledge of NT/Linux Operation System.


  • List PPM key features and explain how PPM can be used;
  • Explain the interaction between LSF and PPM;
  • Describe the Flow Editor, Flow Manager, and Calendar Editor;
  • Explain PPM CLI and the use of PPM Java API;
  • Install PPM on Linux Platform and start PPM jfd daemon and enable Ego Failover;
  • Run Flow Editor, flow manager and Calendar Editor;
  • Describe the job/flow in more depth and how to use Flow Editor to create and run the jobs/flow;
  • Describe how to manage the flow with the Flow Manager;
  • Manage flow/job control;
  • Use Job dependencies in job/flow and job/flow exit codes;
  • Use Job/flow permission control and Job definition to create job/flow;
  • Use a custom email scripts;
  • Describe how PPM works with other batch system jobs;
  • Job/Work flows Spooler directory;
  • Describe how to set variables in a multi-cluster environment and show expression on variable evaluator;
  • Depict the Process Manager directory structure;
  • Describe how to debug JFD log and jreconfigdebug, debug and view client/server communication and troubleshoot with the basic debug steps.

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