Szkolenie IBM Datacap 9.0 Application Builder with FastDoc

This course shows you how to use the various modes of operation for FastDoc and how to create and configure an application using FastDoc. You create an application from the FastDoc application Form template.

If you are enrolling in a Self Paced Virtual Classroom or Web Based Training course, before you enroll, please review the Self-Paced Virtual Classes and Web-Based Training Classes on our Terms and Conditions page, as well as the system requirements, to ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements for this course.

Profil uczestnika

This intermediate course is for:

  • Developers who are responsible for Building a Datacap application from scratch.
  • Anyone who needs to rapidly develop a capture solution with the intention of enhancing the application using the full capability of the IBM Datacap suite.


FastDoc Capabilities Overview

  •   FastDoc Terminology
  •   FastDoc Interface
  •   FastDoc Terms
  •   Create an application from the Forms template
  •   Configure batch profiles for local batch processing and upload.
  •   Configure batch structure
  •   Configure ruleset properties
  •   Configure fingerprints
  •   Process batches in Datacap Server mode

FastDoc as a Local Capture tool

  •   FastDoc Local Batch Profiles
  •   Batch Tasks Interface
  •   Scan interface & scanning a batch
  •   Verify interface & verifying documents
  •   Add an upload task

Create an Application

  •   FastDoc application structure
  •   Create an application
  •   Taskmaster Mode
  •   FastDoc application development
  •   Data validation methods
  •   Export options
  •   Similar document formats

Wymagane przygotowanie uczestników

You should have taken:

  • IBM Datacap 9.0: Introduction


Describe the FastDoc capabilities and modes of operation 

  • User Interface and Administrator interface
  • Local mode and Datacap Server mode
  • FastDoc as a development tool
  • FastDoc as client

Configure and run tasks in the local mode

  • Process Documents Using FastDoc Capture
  • Configure a Scan and Upload Task

Create an Application

  • Build a new Application with the Form template
  • Handling New Formats for the Same Document
  • Configure validation rules within FastDoc
  • Configure export to rules for exporting to IBM FileNet Content Manager Repository.


  • Start and Stop System and Components
  • System check procedures

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