Szkolenie IBM Case Manager 5.2 – Introduction to Case Manager
This course is for those whose job includes responsibility for designing, building, and administering Case Manager solutions. The course provides an overview of Case Manager functions and architecture.
You work with a functioning IBM Case Manager system to practice the skills required to perform case worker tasks, explore solution structure, and begin planning your solution designs.
If you are enrolling in a Self Paced Virtual Classroom or Web Based Training course, before you enroll, please review the Self-Paced Virtual Classes and Web-Based Training Classes on our Terms and Conditions page, as well as the system requirements, to ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements for this course.
Profil uczestnika
This intermediate course is for:
- Anyone who is new to IBM Case Manager and needs to work on cases
- Anyone who is new to IBM Case Manager and is planning to take more advanced courses
- Introduction to Case Manager
- Structure of a solution
- Process a case
- Review and split a case
- Solution design principles
- Create custom tasks
- Overview of add-on functions
Wymagane przygotowanie uczestników
You should have completed:
- Getting Started with Content Navigator 2.0 (WBT)
- Acquire the knowledge and skills to use Case Manager Client and to begin planning solution design.
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