Szkolenie IBM Case Foundation (Formerly FileNet BPM) 5.0 – Java API Programming
This course provides information about Process Java API methods for developing custom applications that access the IBM FileNet P8 Process Engine. In order to practice these skills, you write code using Process Java API and work with a fully functioning IBM Case Foundation system.
Profil uczestnika
This intermediate course is for programmers responsible for the design and development of custom Case Foundation applications, and anyone who needs to know the capabilities of the Process Java API.
- About IBM Case Foundation
- About Process objects and Process Java API
- How to use Process Java API for the following tasks:
- Creating a Process Engine session
- Creating work
- Finding work
- Processing work
- Monitoring work status
- Using application space, roles and in-baskets
- How to integrate process components
- How to configure email notifications
Wymagane przygotowanie uczestników
You should have:
- Basic programming experience in Java-based technologies
- Familiarity with business process management and workflow concepts
You should complete:
- IBM FileNet P8 5.0 Prerequisite Skills using Workplace XT
It is receommended that you have completed:
- IBM FileNet BPM 5.0: Administration
- IBM FileNet BPM 5.0: Process Design
- Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to develop custom applications that access the IBM FileNet P8 Process Engine.
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